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Gift Land

Donating land for conservation purposes creates a lasting legacy that

benefits our community as well as future generations.


Donating land:

  • Creates an immediate, and potentially substantial, tax deduction for the appraised value of the donated property*

  • Ensures the land is left in its natural state


The two most common ways to protect land are an outright donation,

sometimes known as “fee simple,” and a conservation easement:

  • Outright donation transfers ownership to the land trust, releases the owner from all future tax liability and protects the land as open space forever.

  • A conservation easement allows the landowner to retain ownership while protecting the land in perpetuity and reducing the owners’ tax burden.


*There is generally a modest one-time fee associated with a land donation to cover ongoing stewardship expenses.


If you’re considering donating land for conservation, please contact us at the Stamford Land Conservation Trust.  We can help you arrive at a conservation plan that makes the most sense for you. Please note we are not tax advisors. Anyone considering a land donation should consult their own counsel. We can also put you in touch with attorneys and land planners experienced in land conservation.

“The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.”

~ John Paul II

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